
OLD FART FLYERS ASSOCIATION of AMERICA A year or so ago I purchased my first quadcopter drone with an inexpensive DM007 drone to use as a trainer.  This is a very inexpensive drone that I found perfect for me to start with.  At around $30.00 losing or destroying one would be of little consequence.  I am very happy to say I only lost one to a "fly away" when I exceeded the maximum range of the controller.  I did get experience on replacing propellers and a couple motors in the beginning.  So the loss was really a good thing with the lessons learned. As an old fart myself I thought it would be fun to write a blog for other senior citizens out there that are looking for a new hobby.  I love to take pictures/video of the beautiful sunsets and sunrises we have here in central Florida.  If you are not a beginner perhaps you would enjoy sharing tips and advice.  Flight photographs and video are also welcome.  By joining the blog your are an official member of the OFFA,